
Yeah, there’s 390 more eight guys that you could send it to. Okay. Yeah, I need to send

it out because we need it. All right. I’ll go ahead and let me go ahead and send it for you.

that is too easy, dude. That’s all right. It’s easy. So now, we help them when we buy houses Tulsa, so now it’s up to maybe 700.Yeah. So let’s look at our report stab right here. If we click on communications, okay. We sent it to 706 we help them when we buy houses Tulsa,

well that’s good man. So you know, this is, I think it’s more about information for me or for the bidder, the estimator to be able to see and use. And then there’ll be a bunch of guys, you know what, we’re going to get this guy out, get this going. I’m going to use this guy anymore. And you said your, your service is a yearly fee?

And then in what we can do is we can, you can come over here and you can turn on the. And it’ll take over the subs that you, you’re going to use on the job. And then we also have all these look at this. So we took your data. And look at all these duplicates you have. we help them when we buy houses Tulsa these guys may share the same office space, but they may be the same company too. You know, you probably know him,

Peterson, Dean, we, we work with them.

Yeah. These are, this is, I’m showing your database, but all these companies are in here twice based upon their address or their phone number. But like lone star paving and Stripe, it may be the same company, right? I need to sell my house fast you don’t have to merge it. But if they are, you know, this, we give you all these tools in here for bad email reports. So it shows you all your bad emails, we help them when we buy houses Tulsa, incomplete profiles, all this stuff. I need to sell my house fast, well that’s really cool man. Yep. So it was built by it, you know, and designed by estimators over the years. I need to sell my house fast we really focus in on,

we’re, we’re the guys that know cause they’re the ones that got to use it every day. I need to sell my house fast we know the things we need, we look for and know what we want.
So look next when you log back in and you just click on this project and then just come right over here to, uh, they invited tab. So

well, see how many of are filed?

Yeah. And then you can, you can say invited, not decline, you know, undecided, excepted. I need to sell my house fast it shows you that. So I mean, it’s three o’clock in the afternoon. So most of these guys are still,

well yeah, they’ll come in in the morning, they’ll take a look at it and say, okay, yep.

And then this is something cool too. If you don’t here, you know, let’s say at the end of the week, you want to come over here, you can send out a, we help them when we buy houses Tulsa, reminder, what the heck man. there’s something weird going on there. It’s probably on our security settings here. Okay. You might have to go to tab five because it’s not letting you. I need to sell my house fast you’ve come to tab five and save it, and then you could send out a reminder notice to all these guys. We’ll shoot, let’s just do it. Uh, we’ll just, let’s say SIM communication. And what you can do is you say, Hey, send it to nonresponders and we can schedule this out. Oops. When would you like to remind these guys about this job?

Probably Thursday the 22nd there’s so you the ones that haven’t responded. Yeah, no, let’s just make it a 20th yeah, I was going to say that’s a while cause they still need a few more days to get the numbers in. So let’s send this thing out. How about 5:00 AM right? There you go. That’s perfect. And then I’ll save that. So if, if you get 25 people that come in there and say they’re going to bid or respond, it’s not going to send it to it. It’s going to look at this day and that time and only going to send it to those guys. That’s nice. It’ll just sit there and wait and then you can be asleep or fixing your copy that morning and it’s going to send them out for you. All right, well if you run anything else or if you need to come back in here and pick up some more trades, you know, just add them in here. we help them when we buy houses Tulsa, and then let me know if you got any other problems. Okay. I certainly will, man. Thank you so much. It’s been very informative. I like it. Cool. All right, well you have a good, a good week and hope you get some good numbers. So anyway, thank you so much, man. All right.

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